Corrigé du bac d’anglais LV1 2017 (S-ES-L) – métropole

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Compréhension écrite du bac d’anglais LV1 2017

Avant toute chose, voici les repérages essentiels à faire avant de répondre aux différentes questions :



What is it?

Le paratexte est clair “Article from The Daily Mail website by Damien Gayle, May 30, 2014

N’oublie pas de répondre aux 4 WH- avec systématiquement les numéros de ligne associés à la citation choisie.



  • renowned landscape photographer Charlie Waite” l.12
  • photographers” l.20
  • Derby photographer, Tony Bennett, became the seventh person to win the prestigious title.” l.26-27
  • Jasmine Teer, VisitBritain’s photography manager,” l.32
  • article (…) by Damien Gayle

Ce sont des photographes ou des personnes liées à la photographie.



  • This year’s competition is now open for submissions from now until July 11.” l.10-11
  • The 2014 Awards are being held in association with VisitBritain and Countryside is GREAT” l.30-31
  • “May 30, 2014” date de l’article

Le concours a lieu en 2014.



  • Titre de l’article : “beauty of Britain: Landscape photographs taken around the UKreveal the stunning wild countryside
  • a photograph of Glastonbury Tor, one of England‘s most spiritual and historic locations.” l.7-8
  • British landscape” l.14
  • what Britain has to offer” l.16
  • the Landscape Photographer of the Year Award celebrates the United Kingdom only” l.19-20
  • Britain’s remarkable landscape” l.23
  • a misty autumn dawn at Crummock Water in Cumbriawon the top spot when Derby photographer” l.25-26
  • Britain’s landscapes” l.33
  • Britain’s natural scenery (…) photographs that showcase the best of Britain play” l.35-36



  • This year’s competition is now open for submissions from now until July 11.” l.10-11
  • the Landscape Photographer of the Year Award celebrates the United Kingdom only, offering photographers worldwide the opportunity to showcase their images of this unique country.” l.19-21
  • The 2014 Awards are being held in association with VisitBritain and Countryside is GREAT.” l.30-31

Il s’agit d’un concours de photographie qui célèbre les paysages britanniques.



What is it?

It is an excerpt from the novel by William Boyd, Sweet Caress published in 2015.



  • Paratexte: “The narrator is Amory Clay, a female photographer
  • What drew me down there, Iwonder, to the edge of the garden?“l.1 => first-person narrator
  • a group of people had gathered by the pond. Someone must have been horsing around making everyone laugh.” l.4-5
  • the guests” l.8
  • gentlemen and ladies and the marquee” l.10

La photographe Amory Clay prend une photo d’un groupe de personnes qui discutent et s’amusent à l’extérieur.



  • the edge of the garden?” l.1
  • I was in the house, in my bedroom,” l.7
  • I hurried downstairs to join them” l.12
  • I turned and ran back to the house” l.13″in the garden on a warm summer evening in England” l.15-16

La scène se déroule en Angleterre, dans une chambre puis dans un jardin.



  • I remember the summer light” l.1-2
  • late-afternoon sun.” l.3
  • I think I have an idea, now, all these years later. I wanted to capture that moment, that benign congregation in the garden on a warm summer evening in England” l.14-16

La narratrice se souvient (elle parle au prétérit) d’un après-midi d’été en Angleterre, plusieurs années auparavant.



  • What drew me down there, I wonder, to the edge of the garden?” l.1
  • I remember the summer light” l.1-2
  • Somehow I sensed I could stop time’s relentless motion” l.16-17

La narratrice se demande pourquoi elle a ressenti l’envie / voire le besoin de prendre cette photo à ce moment dans le passé. Elle dit qu’elle voulait arrêter le temps et garder ce moment précieusement à jamais, grâce à la photo. Elle offre donc une réflexion sur le sens de la photographie et ce qu’elle permet.



What is it?

Elena Marimon Munoz, Past, Present, Stonehenge, Wiltshire, England, 2015

This photograph won the 2015 British Life Photography Award in the “Brits on Holiday” category.



On voit sur la photo des dizaines de touristes.



La photo a été prise en 2015 d’après le paratexte.



Stonehenge, Wiltshire, England” = à Stonehenge, en Angleterre (Wiltshire est le comté dans lequel Stonehenge se trouve)



La photo montre des touristes eux-mêmes en train de photographier des pierres préhistoriques.


Questions sur la compréhension de l’écrit du bac d’anglais LV1 2017


  1. Name of the competition= Take A View Landscape Photographer of the Year Award
  2. Founder of the competition = Charlie Waite
  3. Submission deadline for 2014= July 11
  4. 2013 winner= Tony Bennett
  5. Location of the 2013 winning photograph= Crummock Water et / ou Cumbria
  6. Season depicted in the 2013 winning photograph= Autumn

Justifications do NOT write them down in your paper if not asked.

  1. Take A View Landscape Photographer of the Year Award competition” l.9-10
  2. The brainchild of renowned landscape photographer Charlie Waite” (l.12)
  3. Brainchild of = idée originale de
  4. This year’s competition is now open for submissions from now until July 11. (l.10-11)
  5. Last year an atmospheric shot of a misty autumn dawn at Crummock Water in Cumbria won the top spot when Derby photographer, Tony Bennett, became the seventh person to win the prestigious title.” l.25-27
  6. see above
  7. see above


  1. Phrase 1 : TRUE = “celebrates the United Kingdom only” l. 20
  2. Phrase 2 : FALSE = “offering photographers worldwide the opportunity to showcase their images” l. 20-21
  3. Phrase 3 : FALSE “became the seventh person to win” l. 26-27 (2013 était la 7ème édition du concours)C. The best adjectives to describe Glastonbury Tor are:
  • Mysterious or magical: “shroud of mist(=brume) l. 3, “fantasy adventure” l.5
  • Impressive: “the monument rises from a hill” l. 3, “heroes” l. 6

You could also have said any adjective as long as you can justify it with the text.


Charlie Waite says that photography can:

a. be informative

TRUE “key to conveying information” l.15

b. be used to advertise Britain.

TRUE “encourage visitors to appreciate what Britain has to offer” l.16

d. make people appreciate Britain’s beauty.

TRUE you can either chose the quotation above OR find another quotation such as “discover that there is joy to be had from our landscapes” l.17, for instance.


Q1. : There are three kinds of landscape in the photographs:

– rural landscapes (of the countryside): “wild countryside” l.2

– urban landscapes (of the city): “cityscapes” l.22

– watery landscapes: “turquoise waters” l.23

Q2. : It suggests that English landscapes are very varied as they combine both urban and rural landscapes and are very beautiful.


Q1. : The two sponsors are VisitBritain and Countryside is GREAT.

Q2. : VisitBritain sponsors this competition firstly for touristic reasons as beautiful photographs will attract tourists and it is this sponsor’s goal. They also promote this event for commercial reasons: it will promote their organization and bring new customers.


The article is critical of the competition.

This statement is false. Indeed, the article is very positive, it promotes the competition, as suggested by “the prestigious title” l.27 and “one of the world’s most exciting competition photography competitions” l.12-13


The article seems to have two goals. The first one is to promote the competition (“one of the world’s most exciting competition photography competitions” l.12-13)

The second one is larger: it aims at promoting the beauty of British landscapes (“celebrates the United Kingdom only” l.20 / “showcase the best of Britain” l.36)


Document B du bac d’anglais LV1 2017


Use information from the WHERE/WHEN above.

J. 3 / 1 / 4 / 2

(= The photographer is alone in her room, she hears chatter, she decides to join the gathering in the garden and on her way she decides to stop and go back to her room to pick up her camera in order to photograph the gathering.)


Q1. : People are cheerful and relaxed: they are laughing (“there was laughter” l.3) and having a good time (“the source of merriment” l.12 / “laughed, careless and untroubled” l.18)

Q2. : The event outside seems to be a party of some sort, or at least a joyful gathering.


Q1. : The first goal of the photographer is to have a souvenir of this gathering: to “capture that moment” (l.15). The second one is larger: she wishes to stop time (“power to stop time” l.20)

Q2. : This excerpt celebrates the power of photography. Indeed, photography can turn something ordinary (like a gathering in a garden) into something eternal (“forever” l.16) and into something special (the gathering is seen as a “congregation“, which is the lexicon of religion)


Q1. : The photographer seems to be doubting her past: she is unsure about the reasons that led her to take that photograph. But, at the end of the text, she seems to have hindsight (= avoir du recul) and to understand her past motivations.

Q2. : This is made clear stylistically (I am using the question to formulate my answer) thanks to time markers (“all these years” / “now“) and the use of questions (“What drew me down there, I wonder” l.1).




Q1. : The tourists are taking photographs for two reasons. The first one is that they are in a historical place (Stonehenge) with a special monument they want to keep as a souvenir. The second one is probably the scenery behind the monument: the sky looks beautiful and the tourists wish to capture this moment.

Q2. : The photographer Elena Marimon Munoz does not take this photograph just like every other tourist. Indeed, she takes this photograph for at least three different reasons. The first one is that she participates in the photography competition ‘Brits on Holidays’ hence (= d’où le fait que) focusing on the tourists and not on Stonehenge.

The second one is alluded to by the title she gave to her photograph (“Past, Present”). She wants to oppose the past (illustrated by Stonehenge) and the present, illustrated by the numerous smartphones.

Finally, she may be condemning the tourists’ behavior as they are all taking a photograph with their smartphone instead of actually looking at the monument.


Visually, Helena Marimon Munoz’s message is delivered thanks to the camera angle. Indeed, the photograph shows people from behind, without any face. We only see their arms and their smartphones, as if they did not exist individually.

(Here, any answer that is justified visually would have been accepted)


Throughout the document, the art of photography is presented as very powerful. Three powers are depicted. The first one is an artistic/aesthetic power: in document A, photography aims at capturing Britain’s working. In document B it is used to turn a fleeting moment into an eternal souvenir. In document C it aims at capturing beautiful landscapes.

The second one is an informative power: photographing Britain can inform tourists about what they can do and see in Britain (document A), and it can also convey a message about tourists’ behaviors (document C).

The third one is to keep memories: as shown in document B, when years later, the photographer remembers this late-afternoon. It is its photograph that made it special.

Use all three documents!


Expression écrite

E1. : Elena Marimon Munoz gives an acceptance speech at the British Life Photography Award ceremony on the virtues and limits of photography. Write her speech.


E2. : Discuss this statement from Document B: A camera can be a “wonderful machine” (l. 19). (300 mots ±10%)
E3. : The narrator of Document B arrives at the party with her camera. Continue the scene, imagining the reactions of the guests. (150 mots ±10%)


E1. :

Do not forget the specificity of the speech.

This is the elements that you need to outline in your draft (au brouillon) before writing the essay:

  • thanking the audience
  • thanking the contest staff and explain why this contest is a great initiative
  • talking about the “virtues” of photography (something you can find in the questions above)
  • talking about the limits of photography (use document C to criticize the use of photography by tourists)

E2. :

“Discuss” invite à trouver une idée et à la nuancer.

On your draft, you should at least find two almost-opposing thoughts.

  • On one hand, the “good sides” of the camera what it allows for (see document A and B)
  • On the other hand, its limits (see document C)

E3. :

Ici, c’est un écrit d’invention. Attention aux dialogues. En anglais, il n’y a pas de tirets. Seulement des guillemets à chaque intervention dialoguée.

Since it is a dialogue, when you address the guests, you are more than welcome to use the arguments and the ideas that the photographer uses years later in her text.

Avoid at all costs off-topic chit-chat (there is no need to discuss the weather for example) and focus on the role of photography for them.

Mots-clés utiles

  • a tool (= un outil)
  • to allow for something (= permettre quelque chose)
  • to seize the moment (= saisir le moment présent)
  • a memory (= un souvenir)
  • the passing of time (= le temps qui passe)
  • ever-lasting (= éternel)
  • a toy (= un jouet)
  • behaviour (= comportement)
  • to pay attention to something (= accorder de l’attention à quelque chose)
  • it is a shame (= c’est une honte ou c’est dommage)

Mots de liaison utiles

  • nonetheless / nevertheless = cependant
  • on one hand… on the other hand = d’une part, d’autre part

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