places and forms of power

Places and Forms of Power – Oral de bac d’anglais

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Places and Forms of Power est l’une des notions à connaître l’oral du bac d’Anglais. Voici une fiche notionnelle pour vous aider sur les lieux et formes de pouvoir, places and forms of power !

Definition of places and forms of power

Definition of power

Power is the ability to control and influence other elements or other people. To have power is to have influence on people or on the world. The notion places and forms of power invites us to question what kinds of power are clashing against each other, what are the main sources of influence in our societies, and where these forms of power are being used.

Our society functions with rules and regulations, implemented by people in power. If these rules and regulations guarantee that society is working, they also trigger crispation and frustration.

Several forms of power

You need to discuss the different types of power. Power can indeed be :

  • political: presidents have power
  • ideological (remember the soft power of the United States after the Second World War)
  • financial (Wall Street being the most powerful financial place of the world)
  • symbolical (the power of language, of music)

You also need to bear in mind that power triggers counter-power: you can discuss revolutions and popular uprisings.

Several places of power

Do not forget to talk about where these powers are being exerted. The White House in America, the House of Parliament and 10 Downing Street (where the British Prime Minister lives) in England are two obvious examples of places of power.

Places and Forms of Power
The White House

The examples you can use

Political resistance

You can talk about power and counterpower through the colonization and decolonization movements. Gandhi can be a good example of counterpower in India against the British colonial rule. This is a perfect example of political power and the resistance it brings with it.

Annale bac : places and forms of power

The power of art

I would advise to pick a more symbolic form of power as your second part in your presentation to show the examiner that you understand that power is not only political. To do so, you can discuss the power of art and where it has influence. A good example would be Banksy, the famous street artist, who influences people’s lives and ideas using the street to convey his ideas.

American soft power

The American soft power during the Cold War that aimed at winning support from foreign countries by exporting American goods such as Coca-Cola and broadcasting ads celebrating the American way of life is another example of the power of art and of popular culture to promote a political agenda.

Places and forms of power : vocabulaire utile

Voici quelques termes de vocabulaire utile pour la thématique des lieux et formes de pouvoir !

  • to clash : s’affronter
  • to implement : mettre en place
  • to trigger : déclencher, mener à
  • an uprising : un soulèvement
  • exerted : exercé
  • to convey : transmettre, communiquer
  • to broadcast : diffuser
  • to promote : promouvoir
  • an agenda : un objectif, un but, souvent caché
  • an activist : un militant
  • to advocate : militer pour quelque chose
  • to be biased : avoir un parti-pris
  • to blackmail : faire chanter
  • a border : une frontière
  • to brainwash : laver le cerveau
  • to bribe : corrompre, acheter
  • a civil servant : un fonctionnaire
  • to commit : s’engager
  • a counter-power : un contre pouvoir
  • a democracy : une démocratie
  • to demonstrate : manifester
  • to deny : nier
  • to denounce : dénoncer
  • a dictatorship : une dictature
  • to disobey : désobéir à
  • to empower : donner du pouvoir
  • to entice someone into doing something : pousser quelqu’un à faire quelque chose
  • to fight : combattre
  • to influence : influencer
  • an involvement : un engagement
  • to lure someone into doing something : manipuler quelqu’un pour qu’il fasse quelque chose
  • obedience : obéissance
  • to overcome : vaincre, surpasser
  • politics : politique
  • to protest : protester
  • to resist : résister
  • a riot : une émeute
  • to rule : gouverner
  • to strengthen : renforcer
  • to struggle : lutter
  • to support : soutenir
  • to surrender : se rendre
  • a threat : une menace
  • to weaken : affaiblir
  • a weapon : une arme

N’hésitez pas à consulter nos articles sur les autres notions, comme sur l’idée de progrès par exemple. Bon courage dans vos révisions !

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