Artificial intelligence (Scientific innovations and responsibility) – Bac d’anglais

artificial intelligence

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Voici une fiches sur l’intelligence artificielle (Artificial intelligence) une partie essentielle pour l’oral d’anglais du chapitre Scientific innovations and responsibility.

What is the key to a comfortable life? Technology. Nowadays, the human race has managed to revolve their lives around the technological devices and equipment around them. This has become the new concept of modernity which was created by humans. In this article, you will learn more about artificial intelligence which could be a topic of your bac exam!

As per their choice, technology has sought to creep into our daily lives where we tend to wake up to an alarm set by our phones, toast our bread on the electric toaster, make some coffee using the coffee machine, ride our car to work, and so on…Hence, our basic life tasks are no longer able to be performed without the presence of technology. Technology has rehabilitated into a necessity of life. It has switched from historically being considered as a want, into a need; a need that runs and courses our lives.

Definitions of robots and their types, an introduction to the concept of artificial intelligence

Among the technological developments that were created, robots were invented. Robots are human-like inventions, which are programmed to carry out complex activities and resemble human beings, except for emotions. Robots are fed information and programs, much like a computer, and can control and be controlled.

Some robots are designed to carry out a specific task, such as performing surgeries, delivering food to hotel doors, welcoming guests, and so on. Those types of robots replace human tasks and are sometimes hired instead of humans to perform their job. One article,” The future of employment: how susceptible are jobs to Computerization? “, written by Carl Benedikt Frey and Michael A. Osborne, stated that “about 47 per cent of total US employment is at risk” because of the implantation of robots for detailed occupations.

Others are created to be companions, which are far more complex. They listen and retrieve their replies from the programmed information within, and hence can be conversated with. Companion robots come in the form of house helpers, nurses, or even as friends and are often labelled as “humanoid robots”, because not only do they resemble human actions, but are designed with human figures as well.

Definition of artificial intelligence

Robots lie under the scope of a very controversial topic of “artificial intelligence”. Artificial intelligence, according to Oxford Dictionary, is the theory and development of computer systems to be able to perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages.

Artificial intelligence is most integrated into our daily lives when we use our phones, which contain Siri (for Apple), Alexa (for amazon), and Google Assistant. Those applications are capable of performing calls when ordered to, setting timers, giving out the weather… They include many more features which are implemented to give a shortcut to humans and simplify their lives. This type of intelligence is what is programmed to take part in the robots’ functionality and performance. It is what fires the robots to give them the ability to perform what humans are capable of: teach, clean, nurse, operate, and many more daily specialized activities.

Hence, it is said that robots are simulated by artificial intelligence which resembles human capabilities, and more so, excels it. Therefore, it is safe to say that this sort of intelligence possesses quite an amount of benefits and risks.

How to use these examples during your exam?

Dans la suite de cet article, nous allons prendre l’exemple d’un sujet zéro, fournies par la banque nationale de sujets.

Correlation of this concept with “Sujet Zero” Document A

In an article under the title of “Robots have power to “significantly influence” children, study reveals” published on the 15th of August 2018, a study revealing the impact that robots have on children was conducted. According to this article, children are remarkably influenced by robots and conform to them.

When observing this manner closely, this finding can be both a risk and a benefit to society. The risk would appear in the form that the robots might be fed false information or undergo some type of dysfunctionality. This would hence negatively impact the children. This is a form of abuse of artificial intelligence.

On another hand, the impact that robots have on children can be taken into parents’ advantage. Indeed, robots can be used to co-parent and create more disciplined mannered children. This is applicable in cases where robots are fed the appropriate information, of course; and hence artificial intelligence here comes to the benefit of humankind.

Correlation of this concept with “Sujet Zero” Document B

The concept of robots and artificial intelligence goes back to the 1950s. At that time, people started to get inquisitive and eager to solicit robots into our lives. On the year of 1950, Isaac Asimov imagined a hypothetical conversation taking place in the future in his book:” I, Robot”.

In this conversation, A reporter, who is also the narrator, undergoes an interview with Dr. Suzan Calvin. She is an employee of a company specialized in making robots. In short, the interview demonstrated Dr. Calvin’s fascination with robots as she points out that a world without robots is a lonely, empty one.

She also states that robots are what aided humans and carried out their tasks. This facilitated the development of robots, where artificial intelligence initiated as an equal to human intelligence but ended up as exceeding it. It is evident in his short story that Isaac Asimov has previously predicted the current artificial intelligence state: robots are, can, and will be smarter than human beings.


Robots might be the centre of many sci-fi movies; they might be the source of fascination and interest to many kids, but they are far more colossal than that. As this article explains, robots are run by artificial intelligence, which though created by humans, turns out to have the capability to outsmart them, and even control them.

As shown, kids conform and abide by the instructions which are given by robots, a lot more than what their parents order them to do. This raises a lot of controversies, regarding whether this can be seen as a benefit to society, or as a potential risk. An important question is raised here: Because people control the world we live in, we are the smartest; but what happens when we no longer are?

A lire aussi: La dystopie / dystopia (Fictions and realities) – Bac d’anglais

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